Please collect Admission Form between 1st November 2024 to 10th January 2025 (Fee Rs.300) from School Office with a photocopy of Birth Certificate.

Submission of Application Form:-

Correctly and completely filled-up application forms will have to be submitted to the school office before 25th January 2024 along with the following requirements:

  1. Two copies of stamp size photograph of the child.
  2. Photocopy of the original Birth Certificate.
  3. Proof of names of both parents ( attach a photocopy of Aadhar card / PAN card / Driving Licence )
Class Age Limit
LKG 3½ to 4½ years
UKG 4½ to 5½ years
STD. I 6 – 7 ½ years
STD. II 7 – 8 ½ years
STD. III 8 – 9 ½ years
STD. IV 9 – 10 ½ years
Admission Fee for LKG & UKG : Rs.15,000/-
Admission Fee for I - IV : Rs.16,200/-

LKG will have no admission test but one interaction with the parents along with the candidate. All other classes will have admission tests. LKG Candidate along with the father and mother must be compulsorily present for the interaction. Interaction Date or Admission Test Date Slot will be alloted at the time of form distribution.

Please note -
  • The name and date of birth of the child will not be changed once these are entered in the admission register.
  • Candidate and the parents should be compulsorily present on the day of interview and admission.
  • Original birth certificate must be produced at the time of interview. It will be returned after the verification.
  • The very condition of admission is that the parents/guardians strictly comply with the terms and rules contained in the school diary.
  • The admission fees should be paid in AXIS BANK GALSI on the day of admission itself, Or through the UPI QR Code.
  • The school reserves its right to admission. Parents will strictly abide by the decisions of the school authorities in respect to the selection / non-selection of the candidates.
  • Going through the above formalities does not ensure automatic admission.
  • Apply only if you have read the School Prospectus, Diary, are satisfied with the system of education imparted here and the admission procedure mentioned above.

Textbooks and the necessary stationery will be available in the school with extra fees. The information regarding the textbooks and the notebooks will be sent by WhatsApp & also will be published on the school website


-Rev. Fr. Michael Jacob

Touching lives and moulding future – this is our dream, aspiration, heartbeat and deep down longing of the heart. Here at St. Francis de Sales School, we do touch and mould the lives of the young boys and girls.

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Education for Individual and Social Responsibility

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"Be What You are and be at its best"

- St. Francis De Sales

To be an institution of excellence in educational leadership committed to nation building and global citizenship based on the Universal Christian values taught and lived by Jesus Christ and advocated by St. Francis de Sales.

  • o provide a conducive and safe atmosphere to every student for joyful & holistic learning and a place for every employee to strive for excellence.
  • To provide a creative, engaging and scientifically tempered environment that would enable students to be globally competent.
  • To nurture leadership with a deep sense of professional ethics, national integration, universal brotherhood and respect for humanity.
  • To instill Fransalian values of gentleness with firmness, optimism and compassion.


“Be what you are and be at its best.”
Francis De Sales was born at the Chateau de Sales in Savoyon August 21. 1567. His childhood education was imparted by both his father and mother. Francis was sent to a nearby school at La Roche in 1573, and to residential School at Annecy in 1575. In September 1578 he was sent to the University ofParis with Abbe Deage as a Guardian where he made his markin rhetoric and philosophy, and he ardently devoted himself to the study of theology. He was twenty four when became a doctor of law at Padua, he was ordained priest on December 18, 1593. Francis took up his ministry of preaching and teaching with great zeal. It was on September 14, 1594, he set forth on foot to win back to Catholicism, the Calvinists of Chablais. There he sought constantly new ways to teach the people the doctrine of the Church, especially through leaflets. On becoming the Bishop of Geneva in 1602, he organized the teaching of the catechism throughout the diocese, and at Annecy gave the years after his death the “Bishop’s Catechisms” were still vividly remembered. His most famous book, the “Introduction to the Devout Life”, grew out of the casual notes of instruction and advice which he wrote to Madame Marie de Charmoisy. As Bishop, Francis did his best to establish high school though not always successful due to financial crunch and socio-political and religious situation. He encouraged the education of girls. With his intimate friend Antoine Favre, a famous lawyer, he founded the Florimontaine Academy to promote culture and bring about an integration of religion and culture.


The heart of education is the education of the heart.”
Fr. Peter Marie Mermier; the founder of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales was born in Savoy, France in 1790. He was a man of deep faith and clear vision. Inspired by the spirit and personality of St. Francis de Sales, he founded the congregation of M.S.F.S. in Fr. Peter Mermier 1838. He had a great zeal for the missions and the education of the youth. Imbibed by his spirit the first M.S.F.S. Missionaries landed in India in 1845 and ever Since they are deeply committed to the educational apostolate in India and elsewhere. Fr. Peter Mermier was called to his eternal reward on 30th September 1862 after having run his race Successfully and faithfully. Every year the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales celebrate 30th September as Mermier Day.



Our Father who art in Heaven.
Hallowed be thy Name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done on earth
as in Heaven.

Give us this day
our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive
those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us, from evil. Amen.


Dear Lord
you are truth and
origin of all knowledge. Bless our studies
which we consecrate to you. Enlighten our minds
strengthen our memories
and direct our wills
towards what is right. Give us wisdom to learn
knowledge to understand
and a heart to love.


Dear Lord we thank you for this happy day. Grant that we may remember
what we have learnt. We offer you our work
and our endeavours
our failures
and our successes. Forgive us our
shortcomings and give us the courage,
to follow the path of truth. We thank you Lord
for all the good things
you have taught us today
and help us to be
good children always.



Jana gana mana adhinayaka Jaya he
Bharata Bhagya Vidhata.
Punjab, Sindhu, Gujarata Maratha,
Dravida, Utkala, Banga
Vindya, Himachala, Yamuna, Ganga,
Uchhala Jaladhi Taranga
Taba Shubha name jage
Taba Shubha ashisha mage
Gahe taba jaya gatha
Jana gana mangala dayaka jaya he
Bharata Bhagya Vidhata,
Jaya he, Jaya he, Jaya he,
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Jaya he.


Asathoma satgamaya
Thamasoma jyothirgamaya
Mruthyoma amruthamgamaya.... OM....OM
SFS SFS Jaya Jayahe...

You are the champion of God’s Kingdom
You are the source of true wisdom (2)
Christ you’re the radiance of SFS
Dispel the shades of our avidya (2)

(You) brighten the way to God and human
To spread the light of Christ and love (2)
You teach the truth of Christ and wisdom
This for all-time your vision and mission (2)


India is my Country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters
I love my country
and I am proud of
its rich, and varied heritage. I shall always strive
to be worthy of it. I shall give my parents
teachers, and all elders
respect and treat every one
with courtesy. To my country
and my people I pledge
my devotion. In their well-being
and prosperity alone
lies my happiness.


  • The aim of the institution is to impart sound education by forming in the students habits of piety, virtue, discipline and self-reliance, during the years of their studies.

  • The method of education followed in the school is based on Knowledge, Truth and Service.

  • All students must attend classes of Moral Science, which deal with moral principles, values and rules of conduct.

  • Discipline: Special attention is given to ensure high standards of morality and discipline in the school. A student must strive to attain qualities of mind and heart and integrate into his life, virtues such as honesty, sincerity, piety, compassion, generosity, love for nature and self-reliance.
